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Enroll Now
Go to EnrollNOLA.org during one of the 3 annual enrollment periods and rank Living School 1st
Wait to get matched with Living School by EnrollNOLA (OneApp)
Submit our Registration Packet to Site Manager, Mama Roz, at register@livingschoolnola.org
Review our Orientation slides
Due to COVID-19, NOLA Public Schools & the City of New Orleans have mandated that all public schools in New Orleans start the school year virtually until further notice. We will keep the following resources updated as the situation evolves:
For information regarding:
Special Education & 504 records - Director of Student Support: Kristen Ward (kward@livingschoolnola.org)
Discipline & Culture - Director of Student Life: Charm Baker (cbaker@livingschoolnola.org)
Finances, Data, & Transportation - Director of Data & Finance: Joe Daschbach (jdaschbach@livingschoolnola.org)
General Records & Operations - Site Manager: Rosland Brown (rbrown@livingschoolnola.org)
Personnel & Organizational Matters - School Director: Stefin Pasternak (spasternak@livingschoolnola.org)
Student council
Students form the legislative branch of Living School. Click below for minutes, agendas, and more.
Meetings TBD
Contact Director of Student Life, Charm Baker, with questions:
family council
Families form the judicial branch of Living School. Click below for minutes, agendas, and more.
Meetings every 3rd Tuesday of the month from 9:30 - 10:30 AM and 5 - 6 PM.
Contact Site Manager, Rosland Brown, or Family Council Chair, Britany Holmes-Nick, with questions:
staff council
Staff form the executive branch of Living School. Click below for minutes, agendas, and more.
Meetings every Friday from 8:30 - 9:30 AM
Contact School Director, Stefin Pasternak, with questions: